Acupuncture & Stages of Healing
Acupuncture has been used to treat everything from pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis to asthma, headaches, and allergies. The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture for a wide array of conditions including pain, respiratory disease, eye and mouth problems, orthopedic issues, neurological disorders, and gastrointestinal ailments. When an accident happens, your amazing internal healing mechanism […]
3 Quick Tips for Seasonal Allergies
If you struggle with allergies, here are 3 quick tips for seasonal allergies you can try at home. Regular chiropractic care helps allergies, too! When you are coughing and sneezing frequently, neck and upper back muscles can become tight and strained. Spinal adjustments help relax muscles while supporting optimal nervous system functioning. Call our office for more […]
Pain as a Component of Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC)
Consider pain as a component of Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). As it is just one component of many, pain does not have to be present for the VSC to exist. Much like heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and all other chronic diseases exist long before symptoms appear. In most circumstances, these diseases do not manifest […]
Understanding Headaches
Headaches can stem from a variety of issues, which can make it difficult in understanding headaches and what’s causing them. There are three broad categories that most headaches stem from – physical, emotional, and chemical. Physical causes include tight neck muscles, subluxation, jaw clenching, or other biomechanical changes. All these physical changes can cause head pain and […]
Chiropractic Care for Children
Unlocking the potential of your child’s well-being through chiropractic care! Regular chiropractic check-ups are essential to address minor issues before they escalate, ensuring a pain-free and healthy future.
Women’s Health & Chiropractic Care
Empowering women through chiropractic care! As a female chiropractor, my passion lies in supporting women and girls throughout all life stages.
MLS Laser Therapy
Discover the transformative power of MLS Laser Therapy! MLS, or Multi-Wave Locked System, utilizes a Class IV Laser with two wavelengths, targeting inflammation and pain.